Knowledge Bank - TradePMR

Experience Meets Training – Financial Advisor Support Beyond the Call Center

Written by TradePMR | Sep 10, 2022 4:00:00 PM

How TradePMR has built a team of RIA service specialists

Waiting on hold can be incredibly frustrating – and quite frankly, it can feel like a waste of time. The only thing that makes the experience worse is when an advisor takes the time to wait it out only to connect with someone who doesn’t understand their problem and can’t help them find a solution.

This is an experience that happens far too often.

If an advisor is receiving sub-par service from their RIA custodian, it could spell trouble for their clients – especially in periods of volatility. That sub-par service can reflect poorly on the advisor and can ultimately damage client relationships.

For RIA custodians, service should be more than automation and phone menus. TradePMR looks to deliver true white-glove support to RIAs by investing in arguably its most important asset: the TradePMR team.

Growing the Team to Maintain High Service Levels

TradePMR has been growing in recent years – however, the firm has taken the time to make sure that growth doesn’t change the level of service that the team provides to advisors.

As more advisors sign on with TradePMR, the provider looks to add new employees in-kind. By scaling internal operations as more advisors join the platform, TradePMR is better able to maintain a high level of service for every advisor and continue to build those personal relationships that seem to be missing from so many customer service interactions these days

The service team is made up of a few key players:

  • Experienced support staff to answer advisor questions in real-time.
  • Operational specialists who can help RIA support staff navigate the challenges facing their businesses.
  • Driven technology minds to help build the future of TradePMR’s platform to further streamline advisor workflows.

Finding the Staff to Support Your RIA

Finding the right people to fill these service roles isn’t easy.

When hiring a new employee, TradePMR isn’t looking for someone to come in and work a few months then head out and try a new role elsewhere. The firm is looking to help employees grow, gain a deep understanding of the independent financial advisory industry, and ultimately serve advisors at the high level advisors on the platform have become accustomed to.

This means finding driven, knowledgeable, and hungry self-starters who are willing to go the extra mile to service RIAs. Creating and facilitating this culture is a core focus for TradePMR. In fact, the firm was recently named one of Florida’s Best Companies to Work For by Florida Trend magazine.1 TradePMR looks to bring in staff who will succeed in this environment, and will benefit from the investments the firm makes in its team.

TradePMR is honored that advisors trust us with their business and works to ensure that we continue to earn that business every day.

Training, Training, and More Training

To achieve this goal, TradePMR makes consistent investments in every employee that comes on board. That means extensive training to ensure each team member understands the role of every TradePMR department and how those departments work hand-in-hand with advisors. It also means covering education and testing fees to help employees secure industry certifications and licenses.

Every employee at TradePMR is encouraged and supported to advance their knowledge by earning industry credentials. Whether in Operations, Technology, or our Human Resources Department, a better understanding of the industry makes us better at the end goal: providing the best possible service to our advisors.

This investment within the TradePMR team has helped the firm to promote internally, bringing the team members that have the deepest knowledge of TradePMR’s offerings to the forefront of the firm.

A great example of one of these self-starters is Scott Victoria, COO of TradePMR. Scott started at TradePMR as an intern while still in college and worked his way through nearly every department before taking his role in the c-suite, including Transfers, Trading, Accounts, Cashiering, Transitions and Product.

Scott has a deep understanding of RIA needs, goals, and challenges – he has worked with these firms his whole career, and uses those insights to help build a stronger team so TradePMR can deliver white-glove service today, and tomorrow.

What Does Your RIA Custodian’s Support Team Look Like?

When you call into your custodial services provider, does the person answering the phone know you by name? Do they understand your unique business? Do they know the challenges facing your team…?

If not, it may be time to look elsewhere. There are still providers out there that prioritize service – let’s talk to see if TradePMR’s white-glove approach could benefit your team.


1 Best Companies to Work For in Florida, Florida Trend. Published August 19th, 2022.